Who I am was greatly Influenced by my sister Evelyn Robinson-Tarr and i will miss her smile and spirit most of all.

Growing up on Carpenter my sister Evelyn like so many other older siblings helped raise me. My mother was a teen when she had Evelyn and all of us that followed her were taught, guided and nurtured by my beautiful Big Sister. I had a doll when I was little that looked just like her and I thought it was the most beautiful doll I ever had. My sister personified grace, class, an enduring and strong spirit and a Angel in our midst. She encouraged me to sing, dance, play tennis, a nd any endeavor i pursued she supported me in my efforts. She did so with unwavering strength, a beautiful smile, and infectious laugh and a bottomless empty pocket. She like my mother made me forever rich in love and support. She helped me be a strong independent woman. I am so glad I was able to call her my sister friend.. I remember her working as a teacher, and at American Draperies on 63rd & Halsted street where she was the top seller, i learned my sales skills from her. She drove me all to\ver the city...