From Infant to Toddler there is an adjustment

I am pleasantly surprised daily by how much my 4 yr olds mind is growing, and how he is able to communicate his thoughts, feelings, emotions and also help me be in the moment sometimes when I lose my focus.

My son speaks of himself in the 3rd person which is hilarious to me! Earlier he was busy playing with his Elmo vacuum and pretending to clean the floor, and when he was done he politely came to me and said "I need 4 dollars Mom". So I proceeded to count out 4 imaginary dollars in his hand. When I was done he looked at his hand, gave me a very frustrated look and stated
" I need 4 GREEN dollars Mom from there!" and pointed at my wallet on my dresser!!

I knew then this is the start of me being broke!! Each day he says something to me that to me seems far too wise for his years, and really catches me off guard and make me realize NEVER underestimate the intelligence of a child and what they understand.

Well goodnight the two warriors are asleep so too must I!!


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