Finally time to myself!! My son will be in school ALL DAY!!

My Autisitic Son will attend school all day!! ALLLLLL DAYYYYY!!

I have waited and prayed for this day so long I can't believe it;'s finally here!! Lord knows I waited a long time to have my kids to make sure I would be able to devote myself to them
However, I wasn't prepared for how significantly considerable the amount of self sacrifice I would be required to give on a daily basis and the fact that it has taken 5 years for me to finally have some considerable free time to myself!!

Thank god their Father is a wonderful provider and is very supportive of our financial and indulges us with all the comforts we could ever want.  I truly don't understand how people that have less than $300 a month to live on do it!!

Now I find myself thinking OK whats next for me now?  Do I go back to school and start a new career, or do I steel myself for the next phase of motherhood as Nolan and Jordan are becoming opinionated individuals and are now fighting for the chance to sit in the front seat, what station the radio will play as we ride in the car, and whgo's gonna play with the tablet or my iphone.

( By the way if you're trying to contact me and I don't answer right away please keep trying the kids may have killed my phone with therir apps!)

So here goes nothing, I can actually have lunch with friends, and run errands without rushing right back, now hopefully soon I'll be able to go out when the sun isn't out lol....   


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