Happy New Year My Sistah's and Brotha's!!

A new year is upon us, and so starts the new years resolutions to lose weight, leave that no good man or woman, and change your life!!

I submit to you this time choose a small and doable goal first, don't start off with some lofty grand resolution that you won't complete and will use an an excuse to leave the status quo!!

All you mothers out there that don't take time for yourselves, pick a friend you truly miss, and haven't connected with in forever, reach out and go to lunch, or dinner and a movie.

Sit down with your child and ask them what's going on with them and look them in their eyes and truly LISTEN!! I always hated when adults belittled my problems as a teen because I wasn't working a job or paying bills!! I was a teenager that was my job and my drama!!

Let me know how that goes for you, I'm very interested people!!

Peace and Blessings!!


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