"I want to write a book"

Hello World,

Being a mom a having health issues since I had my beautiful babies has slowed me down, and forced me to take an intricate look at my past, my present, and what the heck I'm gonna do in my future!!

Every family function makes me painfully aware of how much older I am, as I look at my nieces and nephews grow older have children and get married. I became so introspective and I want so much to do as Oprah always encouraged us to do. "Follow my bliss".

For as long as I can remember I have been very good at writing, it started when I was very young. One of my first memorable writing ventures took place when I was about 12, and my suave but lazy brother who was in 8th grade had to read " A Raisin in the Sun" and write a book report. Which would seriously interrupt his pimping women, so the night before it was due he offered me money to read the book and write the report for him. I agreed and at about 7pm read the book nonstop and in the wee hours of the morning wrote his report. Never mind I was nodding in my gifted classes the next day. I will never forget my brother bursting in the front door from school announcing he got a "B" on our paper!! It was the first moment I knew I had a
gift and I had to use it.

Through the years I helped friends and family write letters to companies regarding customer service issues, and help my beleagured sister and niece write papers for their english classes in college. So now I think I'm ready to write a book. So far I've written an excerpt and would like to encourage some feedback from you. Tell me what you think....

"Love breaks the un-breakable heart"

She stepped in the truck, carefully because she’d worn her high heels, the ones that accentuated her toned, shapely legs. Which to most men represented the path to which the juncture would allow them to takeoff to a destination of pleasure few traveled and the chosen few that did always desired to return. As she swiftly and adeptly navigated the streets to her final destination (his apartment) , she checked her makeup in the mirror to make sure her lips glistened, and conveyed the promise of ecstasy they would soon fulfill. She longed for these stolen moments they shared, when they are together it’s as if time stood still, and nothing and no one matters but what they share.
She stood at the threshold of his door her mind racing, heart pounding so loud she could almost hear it. Her body trembled and she could feel herself getting wet and pulsating with anticipation of the fullness of him inside her. When he opened the door her eyes caressed every inch of his nude magnificently athletic body. Playing basketball daily kept his body so toned, cardiovascularly fit and energetic, she thought of him as a 25 year old kid even though he was actually a few years older than her!!!

When their eyes met he spoke no words, he merely took her hand in his, and turned to stroll down the hall to the bedroom. He walked purposely with the arrogance and swagger that she had come to appreciate. He turned and began to kiss her softly, never losing contact with her lips, he gently caressed her tongue with his. The kiss was so intoxicating in its effect she barely noticed she was now on the bed and her skirt was surreptitiously hiked up to her waist and his hands had deftly begun to caress her with a tenderness and forcefulness , a preview of the path she anxiously hoped his aroused magnificence would soon follow.

He entered her slowly and was barely able to stop the impulse to release when he felt the intriguing sensation her body offered, his manhood was gripped tightly in a vortex of heat and tightness that felt as if it would massage every inch of him, and drain every drop from him. He was a man that prided himself on control, but this time the effort to hold back the flood waiting to explode intensified with each thrust into her hot wet pussy . Then he felt her grab his dick with her pussy as if she never wanted to let it go and he could no longer stop the flood of pleasure that engulfed them both as they climaxed together and lay sweating and langorous beside each other on the bed. DAMN!! That was good!!
So there you go!! Tell me what you think ( and please be supportive) ;)


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