Tomorrow is Mother's Day... I miss my Mommie!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and as I scroll through the many beautiful photos of people and their mommies I wonder.  

I wonder do they realize how blessed they are to be able to talk to, hold, hug, laugh with, kiss tenderly on her soft cheek, gaze into her wise eyes, feel like a kid no matter how old they are.

Are they not treasuring every moment, even the ones when they try your patience like a child. My mom would ask me to come take her on an errand , and then have 5 other stops she didn't tell me about.

What I wouldn't do to schlep here around once more. I miss her making my favorite dinner for my Birthday, and giving me an Easter basket every year.  I understand so much now that I'm a mother myself, and although I gave her everything I could I wish I could've given more.

She made it look so effortless, and I loved the nights we stayed up all night watching movies and eating leftovers, just us two, and I now realize she was probably up because she was up worrying about bills, and how to feed and clothe all of us.

I miss her everyday and every time she crosses my mind I say " I miss you mommie, I love you mommie.." 

To those of you that are blessed to have your Moms to hug, love and cherish, do so and with child like abandon because when they are gone, NOTHING and no one can fill the empty space they leave behind.

God Bless You and Happy Mothers Day!!


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