As a Mother I have taught my children much but I learn from them everyday

I was very lucky to have a Mom that empowered me to always speak up about what I wanted, and how I felt.  Even when I was mad at her she listened to why and then explained to me why I was wrong and ended up blaming only myself and apologizing for my bad judgement or poor choices.

 She was a master at mental manipulation, making you feel guilty for doing wrong, even if she didn't know what I did, I knew and that was infinitely worse on my conscience than she ever could be.

I endeavor to raise my kids the same, with lot's of love and affection, empowerment, including them in decisions. As a child  (I always hated being told by other adults my opinion didn't matter because I wasn't grown yet and paying bills), I truly believe thats why so many kids commit suicide because they are told what they are feeling isn't important in the scheme of things, but obviously it is because their problems are real in their lives as they struggle through puberty and growing up. So parents please don't negate their feelings, in all things empower, validate, and educate.

I feel I'm on the right track raising my boy's, they are two of the most intriguing little people you ever wanna meet, so complex and true enigmas, they surprise me all the time with the things they say and do.   

I find comfort and happiness in small moments and small victories. Last year when they gave coats to children in need at the school, my oldest was very angry and hurt that he didn't get one.  I listened to him and how he felt, and then I explained to him that all the things he has are blessings that all children don't have what he has, and it was from years of hard work by his parents that made it possible. I wasn't sure if it "Went in one ear and out the other" as my mom used to say, until this year.  

Yesterday when I went to pick him up from school I saw the kids with bags with new coats in them, and I thought omg he's gonna be mad if he didn't get one and I'm gonna have to console him.  

Imagine my surprise, pride and delight when he was in a good mood and when I asked him how he felt about the kids getting coats,he said(In his proper voice people laugh at) "Mom, those kids don't have a coat at all and I have a few coats so I didn't mind at all" I almost cried, it's so good to know that all your talking and raising is actually working and you're raising a good child with a good heart.  God is good all the time and I'm proud of the young man my son is becoming.  


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