Entitled kids of today are allergic to hard work and the struggle for some reason! Technology and Social Media is ruining our youth and their futures!

What is the world coming to? I had a job my freshman year of high school!  I knew the value, and how hard it was to earn a dollar. Children are given ways too much today!

I read a story today about a young girl that wanted to kill her Aunt that with love took her in, fed and loved her, but refused to let her use her home as a hotel by bringing home random men to sleep with, and degrade herself as a prostitute. 

Ungrateful ass kids that feel somebody owes them something, why not get a job and get your own place then you can fuck who you want. Noooo that makes less sense than murdering the person that gave you a home and love. No good deed goes unpunished, you can't win with this entitled kids today that don't want to earn a dam thing anymore. Smh

Read the full story here:



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