Real Housewives of New York 2015 Debut Show Didn't disappoint! My appetites whetted!

Bethannys Baaaaccckk:

Bethanny I'm so sorry to see what you're going through but be encouraged. I wanna give you a viewers perspective of your marriage. You were and always are brutally honest, I am also accused of that, but as my late mom said "It's hard to remember a lie, the truth is easy to remember.

Reversed marriage roles:
While your spouse was a manly man, he unfortunately wasn't a good listener, and endeavored (with help from his family) to fix you, and change you into the kind of woman he wanted you to be. He didn't accept you as the fractured person you were and you couldn't have been more clear about your issues.

Ex: How many times did you tell him you didn't want a surprise party, or a big deal made of your birthday. I wanted to slap him through the TV, your reaction was kind I would've turned around an d left. He then at every turn tried to make you feel guilty for not feeling and reacting to his family like him. Watching reminded me of being forced to eat brussell sprouts!( I wouldn't eat 1 with gun to my head today even)

Ramona Coaster:
Good for you for not letting your ex dictate your behavior, any relationship that results in a beautiful child is a blessing, but it's your 1st responsibility to teach your daughter not to stay in a relationship for the wrong reasons while being mis-treated and dis-respected. You didn't claw your way to the top, to act worthless and controlled. Not you!! Turtle time!

I like the new ladies, and I'm excited to see the new season unfold. So thanks for letting your reality, help me escape mines. You women give me life, strength, hope, ideas, laughter, and faith that anything is possible!



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