Police Officer Murder of Walter Scott in South Carolina a Tragedy and I pray this Nation heals from this.

I grew up in Chicago on the south side in Englewood. I watched my single mother raise 5 girls and 2 boys living in constant fear. 
Fear for her daughters being victims of rape and molestation, and fear for my brothers being routinely "stopped and frisked" as we called it. I remember when a murder of cops took place in Englewood and they dragged 100's of black men to jail at the 62nd and Racine Police Station(It's still there)and my brother was one of them.

I vividly remember my Mom's desperation when she found out my brother was being held, and I held my breath until he walked through the door okay. I heard the story how the station was filled with mothers of son's and none of them fit the description of the Assailants. One woman's son was half white with wavy long hair and they beat him mercilessly, just because to them he probably wasn't black enough. I bet he has a story to tell.

Needless to say my Mother was lucky to be the kind of Mother that talked ally the time about what could happen and what we should do in case shit happened. I knew how to disable an attacker at key body points, and my brother knew what to do if stopped by the police.

1. Say yes sir and no sir.

2. No sudden moves or loud talking.
3. Cooperate fully and immediately call your mother. 
4. If he was detained at 62nd and Racine ask for moms friend Joe White. (God bless him and thank him he helped our family tremendously and was a good friend to us)

I thank God for my moms advice and for how it saved us many times. Its sad though that today the still remains true, and this causes many to say"fuck the police" and perpetuates hate and mistrust. I think we need to think about that.

Everyone with a badge and a license don't make good officers if they are inherently bad people just like everyone with a chefs hat and goes to culinary school aren't good cooks and prepare good meals. You are what you bring to the table. Like my mom said "One bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch" If I stopped going to restaurants and not taking a chance that there are good chefs where would I be, a very unhappy woman. IJS 

Read Full Story Here: south-carolina-officer-is-charged-with-murder-in-black-mans-death.html

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Peace and Blessings..
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Read my Blog at heysistahs.blogspot.com


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