"Real Housewives of Atlanta" Congratulations NeNe and Kim On your "Road to Riches Spinoff" Now let's see if #RHOA will sink or swim WO NeNe's Bloop's!

It's just like NeNe to share the spotlight and help a Sistah out when she can. She's real enuf to let others write her blog from a viewer's perspective, how unselfish is that? 

I loves me some NeNe!! You bet not say nothing bad bout my girl NeNe!! 
(Well heck you don't have to, all you gotta do is watch the last episode, everybody that wanted camera time uttered he name!)
"But I ain't one to gossip, so you ain't heard it from me!"

This season for me has been like watching the lobsters in the tank at a seafood restaurant.   Cynthia, Claudia, Kandi, and Kenya have clawed and cut other cast members in a desperate attempt to be relevant and get to the top of the Housewives tank.  We've seen them do everything but sell their souls to the Devil himself to get camera time, and it's a sorry sight to behold women that claim to have strong morals, and possess class. Throw each other under the proverbial bus.

But listen here while I tell the tale of "No Thrilla in Manila!" 
The unholy crew shared a Snarky chuckle at NeNe's expense when they had the utter gall to feel some kinda way because she was unable to attend the trip, due to the "NEAR FATAL" blood clots that prevented her from taking a 17 hour flight. Really ladies what idiot would put their life in jeopardy to help your ratings!  Claudia took on the role of peacekeeper with all the subtlety and finesse of a bull in a china shop! She tried to appear sympathetic and sincere while talking to Phaedra about her marriage implosion. Phaedra quietly & kindly put her in her place by simply saying" I'm not gonna talk to you about that"!  Claudia even offered up some of her own personal marriage anguish to get her to let her guard down, and then she went in for the kill. She went back to the ungodly crew and gave a moment to moment recap of the conversation proving her insincerity. (Sooo shady and Sooo Rude).

Cynthia showed up at the dinner with her makeup on so heavy I thought they were gonna be starring as clowns in a Circus!!  She then showed a glimpse of the woman we first knew in season 2 by burying the hatchet with Porsha by sharing drinks, and pleasantries only to put it squarely in her back with a So Nasty and So Rude comment about her "Being nice when she's off her leash".  I knew it was too good to be true. We won't even talk about how Kandi lived up to the stereotype, of eating and going to sleep when she nodded off and snored while participating in a Yoga class no less!!  Poor Demetria she never found her voice, so I fear like sweet Mrs. Snow we won't be seeing girlfriend next season. (She barely uttered 5 words the entire episode!LMAO I forgot she was even in Manila!)

I watch these ladies from afar but it's obvious who's real and who's fake.  NeNe, Phaedra and Porsha throughout the seasons have behaved consistently with class, wit, and showed us the good and bad sides of life under a microscope, unlike Cynthia, Kandi and Kenya who've shown us that some under a microscope turn into a deadly virus or germ that need to be cleansed from our systems. IJS

Congratulations to NeNe and Kim for getting a new show on Bravo!! Get ready to watch the dynamic duos triumphant return on their new collaboration
~~Bravo's  NeNe and Kim: The Road to Riches!!


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Read my Blog at heysistahs.blogspot.com




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