Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Part 1.. Oh The Thirst and Shade is Real NeNe!

~ Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Part 1 ~

"The thirst is Real"

The quote from Nene about Claudia was on point as her actions the entire season, and during the reunion taping made quite evident. The ladies were exquisitely dressed 
but Claudia behaved with as much class as a $2 dollar Hoe.

The numerous snarky remarks, and immature "bullshit" sneeze that Claudia so tackily displayed should truly make her feel ashamed of herself cause I'm damn sure her Mother most definitely isn't answering her phone, and avoiding stares in the grocery store.

"Its all fun till the Rabbit get's the gun"

I swear in an effort to be relevant Kenya and Cynthia spew malicious rumors so self assuredly, you'd swear they were a fly on the wall, or have some irrefutable proof. In my Brandy voice " Shut the Fuck Up" Cynthia didn't feel her repeating speculative remarks regarding Phaedra's marriage were injurious to her reputation, but surprisingly took exception to Porsha's repeating the rumors that Peter is bending over the waitresses at Bar One! (Talk about the pot calling the kettle -Peter..I mean black lmbo) Wasn't there a significant amount of time when her fibroids were bad and they weren't making whoopy? I'm just saying if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a damn duck.  

For a savvy business woman Kandi can say some silly things.

It truly angers me how Kandi questions the sincerity of Nene's friendship with Phaedra, and why she finds it sooo impossible that upon seeing the turmoil that Phaedra was going through with the implosion of her marriage on television for all the world to see and speculate about. Nene empathized and sympathized with her and reached out to provided the support and strength she didn't receive when the ugly shoe was on her foot.(like the cinderella reference)  

Unmarried and childless castmates had the nerve and utter gall to be quite verbal with their opinions.  Which I find totally ridiculous considering they have ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE being responsible for the lives, well being, and happiness for 2 small children, all while pursuing a degree, breast-feeding and maintaining a household. Let's remember her kitchen is actually used, she doesn't cater her family dinners. (unlike Kenya)   

I can't wait till next week for part 2 so stay tuned!!

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Peace and Blessings..
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